Brian McLaren – internationally acclaimed thinker, author, speaker and public theologian, will be here at New Plymouth West Baptist Community Church, and you’re invited.
Named by TIME magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America, Brian (a leading figure in the emerging church movement), will be visiting multiple places around Aotearoa.
Venue: West Baptist Church, 144 South Rd, New Plymouth
Date/Time: Monday 3 August 2015, 6pm onwards
Cost: $20 per person (includes light dinner)
Note: Places are limited to 100.
To register
- Deposit your total payment to the West Baptist Church Account
TSB 15-3942-0680103-00.
Please put ‘B McLaren’ in the PARTICULARS box
and your name in the CODE & REFERENCE boxes. - Email advising of your payment and the names of the people it is for.
About The Evening
Brian will share about who he is, including some of his faith journey.
We are very much living in a post-Christian Western world – this is very evident in “super secular New Zealand.”
In light of this, living as a Christian has a whole lot of “new” challenges.
We will hear from Brian about why the Christian Church needs to re-think what’s important in the light of these challenges.
We will also hear about how Christians can live today in the light of needed changes.
Brian will discuss ways that we currently are, and ways we could be church.
We will also engage with sexuality as an example of how Christians can live life well with Jesus and each other.
In this conversation, Brian will also draw from his four latest books (click on the images below to find out more about them).
Please note, it is not necessary to read all Brian’s books beforehand to get the most out of the conversations with him.
To encourage dialogue and a healthy exchange of ideas, the get-togethers will be informal and questions are welcomed.
Please feel free to share this information with family, friends, colleagues, church members and anyone else who’d like to join in a stimulating discourse with Brian.
More about Brian Generally
Brian brings a fresh and often provocative vision of what it means to be a Christian today.
Issues that Brian addresses, include the declining traditional church, a new way of “church” (creating your own learning community in a home, or other hospitable space) inter-religious divisions and reconciliation, ecology, poverty, social justice, and the church and homosexuality.
Brian’s website
Brian McLaren is a guest of The Smallternative Trust, a New Zealand-based relief and development agency. If you have any questions, please email Julie Wilson at
Brian’s Four Latest Books